
Guidelines on what should be done regarding Cost Effectiveness Analysis (does not include budget impact analysis). The guidelines: - describes the different types of economic evaluation and summarizes the role of economic evaluation - considers the various ways of framing an evaluation - provides guidance on how to identify, measure and value resources in order to estimate the costs associated with an immunization programme - gives guidance on vaccine efficacy, vaccine effectiveness, vaccine delivery and uptake, including possible adverse events of vaccines and lastly the strengths and weaknesses of different outcome measures - provides guidance to help analysts decide when a dynamic or static model is to be preferred (includes flow charts) - discusses the choice of discount rate - considers the summary measures used to report economic evaluations and how they can be used to inform decision-making - describes some of the methods available for presenting uncertainty inherent to economic analysis - takes a broader view of the decision-making process - provides a summary of the recommendations and a checklist Source: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/2008/WHO_IVB_08.14_eng.pdf

  • Economic aspects
  • WHO
  • IVR