Following the updated review of French and international epidemiological studies, the HAS:
1. Updates the list of pathologies at risk of death by distinguishing:
- pathologies with a very high risk of death: including people with trisomy 21, solid organ transplants or hematopoietic stem cells, renal insufficiency (dialysis) and people with rare and serious pre-existing conditions or severe disabilities.
- Pathologies at high risk of death including people with diabetes (type 1 and type 2), obesity (BMI> 30 kg / m2), cancer, COPD or respiratory failure, heart failure, hypertension complicated arterial disease, to which are now added people with chronic liver disease, psychiatric disorders, dementia, and a history of stroke.
Other comorbidities have a still debatable role and are therefore not at this stage taken into consideration for prioritization.
2. reiterates its recommendations to base the prioritization of people to be vaccinated primarily on the age, whose role is major and preponderant in the occurrence of deaths, and to take into account multiple pathologies, whose updated review now highlights the important role. The influence of co-morbidities (whatever they may be), if it is marked and significant, appears to be significantly less compared to age, with the exception of certain pathologies with a very high risk of death.
- Recommendation
- Europe
- France
- Risk group
- COVID-19