
Background: Understanding the cost-effectiveness of the HPV vaccine from a global perspective is important to assess from a policy perspective and to support current and future HPV vaccination programs. Objectives: The aim of this analysis was to conduct a targeted literature review of published pharmacoeconomic literature on the cost-effectiveness of the HPV vaccine to treat patients in various countries, with a focus on cost-savings and their impact on vaccine recommendations. Methods: We searched cost-effectiveness studies in HPV published in peer-reviewed literature from 2012 to 2020 using MEDLINE via the PubMed database and Google Scholar. Results: HPV vaccine cost-effectiveness was found to be greatest in low-income countries where screen programs were not yet in place, additionally, in adolescent males and females. The majority of the economic evaluations viewed the implementation of the HPV vaccine as cost-effective and recommended national HPV vaccination. Conclusion: The majority of economic studies favored national HPV vaccination for adolescent males and females in various countries. Feasibility of this strategy and implementation remains an open question, in addition to screening coverage rate in countries with no vaccine programs or countries yet to introduce national HPV vaccination.

  • Adolescents
  • Adults
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Economic aspects