
This document reviews the pertussis vaccination programme in Spain. The pertussis epidemiology in Spain and the evidence available about the impact

of different vaccination strategies on the disease in other similar countries has been taken into account.

The objective of this report is to provide a review of the evidence available in order to reach consensus on the vaccination programme against pertussis into the Interterritorial Council for every Region in Spain.

Epidemic peaks in the incidence of pertussis every 3 to 5 years are observed in Spain in spite of high vaccination coverage. An increase in incidence is observed since 2010 as has been demonstrated in other countries with similar vaccination programmes and coverage. This increase is observed in infants, mainly those younger than 2 months too young to be vaccinated, and in adolescents and adults over 15 years of age.

The evidence available shows that acellular pertussis vaccines are effective to prevent disease although they provide a short-term protection. Sistematic vaccination of infants and the administration of two booster doses in toddlers and children younger than 6 years provide the best protection in infants against pertussis. Immunization strategies directed to adolescents, adults and family members of a neonate fail to show a solid evidence of decreasing of burden of disease in infants at a population level. Immunization during pregnancy and vaccination of neonates show important unresolved issues.

To direct the objective of the vaccination programme in the prevention of hospitalization and dead in infants younger than 3 months is recommended. In this sense, maintaining the current immunization schedule insisting on the administration of vaccines “on time”, mainly the primary vaccination, is paramount. Besides, another recommendation is directed to implement immunization strategies in particular epidemiological situations.

  • Recommendation
  • Europe
  • Spain
  • Pertussis