
As part of the marketing procedure for the influenza vaccine FluenzTetra®, the French High Council of public health (HCSP) has issued recommendations to determine this vaccine's place in the current immunisation strategy for preventing seasonal influenza.

FluenzTetra® is a live attenuated vaccine containing two influenza A virus sub-types (H1N1 and H3N2) and two strains of influenza B virus from distinct lineages (Victorian and Yamagata lineages).

The HCSP has taken into account national and international epidemiological data relating to seasonal influenza B, and the tolerance data for this vaccine.

It considers that the FluenzTetra® vaccine can be used within its MA in children aged from 2 years to under 18 years for whom influenza immunisation is recommended (2014 immunisation schedule) due to underlying illnesses which increase the chances of serious influenza complications.

It stresses the value of this vaccine as primary influenza immunisation, all the more so that the child is young.

According to the MA, this vaccine must be administered under the supervision of a physician, nurse or pharmacist.

The HCSP points out that, as with all live vaccines, this vaccine must not be used in immunodeficient children or any of their close contacts. It can however be used in HIV-infected children who do present with severe immunodeficiency. It is not recommended during pregnancy.

The HCSP emphasises that the FlenzTetra® vaccine, registered through a European procedure, requires a medical prescription.


  • Recommendation
  • Europe
  • France
  • Influenza