BACKGROUND: Substantial additional efforts are needed to prevent, find and successfully treat tuberculosis (TB) in South Africa (SA). In thepast decade, an increasing body of mathematical modelling research has investigated the population-level impact of TB prevention and careinterventions. To date, this evidence has not been assessed in the SA context., OBJECTIVE: To systematically review mathematical modelling studies that estimated the impact of interventions towards the World HealthOrganization's End TB Strategy targets for TB incidence, TB deaths and catastrophic costs due to TB in SA., METHODS: We searched the PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases for studies that used transmission-dynamic models of TB in SAand reported on at least one of the End TB Strategy targets at population level. We described study populations, type of interventions andtheir target groups, and estimates of impact and other key findings. For studies of country-level interventions, we estimated average annualpercentage declines (AAPDs) in TB incidence and mortality attributable to the intervention., RESULTS: We identified 29 studies that met our inclusion criteria, of which 7 modelled TB preventive interventions (vaccination,antiretroviral treatment (ART) for HIV, TB preventive treatment (TPT)), 12 considered interventions along the care cascade for TB(screening/case finding, reducing initial loss to follow-up, diagnostic and treatment interventions), and 10 modelled combinationsof preventive and care-cascade interventions. Only one study focused on reducing catastrophic costs due to TB. The highest impactof a single intervention was estimated in studies of TB vaccination, TPT among people living with HIV, and scale-up of ART. Forpreventive interventions, AAPDs for TB incidence varied between 0.06% and 7.07%, and for care-cascade interventions between 0.05%and 3.27%., CONCLUSION: We describe a body of mathematical modelling research with a focus on TB prevention and care in SA. We found higherestimates of impact reported in studies of preventive interventions, highlighting the need to invest in TB prevention in SA. However, studyheterogeneity and inconsistent baseline scenarios limit the ability to compare impact estimates between studies. Combinations, rather thansingle interventions, are likely needed to reach the End TB Strategy targets in SA.
- Africa
- South Africa
- All age groups
- Tuberculosis
- Modeling