This document represents the World Health Organization (WHO) Secretariat position on the use of yellow fever (YF) vaccine in the context of supply shortages in response to the current outbreak in Africa in 2016. The development of this paper was led by the WHO Initiative for Vaccine Research with contributions to specific sections from the WHO Departments of Pandemic and Epidemic Diseases, Essential Medicines, and Immunization Vaccines and Biologicals. The evidence and the proposed recommendations, reflected in this document, has been discussed with YF experts and reviewed by the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization. SAGE and the YF experts provided input to this paper. The recommendations were vetted by SAGE, but they don’t represent a formal SAGE recommendation. The paper will be updated as additional data become available. A full review on the use of fractional dose YF vaccine will be conducted by SAGE in October 2016
- Position paper
- Yellow fever