
The Health Policy and Institutional Development Center (HPID), a WHO Collaborating Center at the Agence de Médecine Préventive (AMP), is mandated to increase the use of evidence-informed decisions in immunization especially through the establishment and strengthening of National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs). Many NITAGs and international and regional partners have stated at previous gatherings that there is a critical need for a NITAG network to be formalized, in addition to the NITAG Resource Center (NRC) launched by AMP-HPID to serve as a platform for exchanges across NITAGs . As a result, on May 11th-12th, 2016, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, AMP-HPID organized  a meeting to establish a Global NITAG Network  to addressed two topics: the establishment of a global NITAGs collaborative network for; and the importance of evaluating NITAG performance.

35 participants from 28 countries participated in the meeting.