The fifth Global NITAG Network (GNN) meeting was convened from 14-16 June 2023 in Amman, Jordan. It was organized by the GNN Steering Committee and the World Health Organization (WHO) with input from NITAG partners. The meeting was chaired by Dace Zavadska, GNN Chair, who opened and warmly welcomed in-person NITAG members of 39 countries and the CITAG that represents 22 countries and territories of the Caribbean and the remote audience from 67 participants from 54 countries.
The objectives of the meeting were:
1. to review the GNN activities and regional support to NITAGs;
2. to document the functioning of NITAGs after working in a pandemic;
3. to share country experience on COVID-19 vaccines and health workers vaccination;
4. to facilitate exchange on the role of NITAGs in making off-label recommendations and catch-up vaccination policies; and
5. to identify priority activities for the GNN and its global partners.
The agenda of the meeting was developed by the GNN Steering Committee and included topics identified during the NITAG partners’ retreat 2022.