
The Commission Fédérale pour les Vaccinations (CFV; Federal Vaccination Commission), the Swiss National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG), was established in 2004 and is comprised of 15 core members and a few ex officio members. Its role is to serve as a scientific advisor to the authorities in making vaccination recommendations, and to act as a mediator between the authorities, experts, and the public on questions concerning vaccinations. The CFV requires all members to describe in detail any potential conflicts of interest. The CFV meets approximately five times per year, and the meetings’ scope covers all questions concerning immunization. Economic considerations are taken into account when formulating recommendations. The committee disseminates data and information about its activities to the medical profession and the public using press releases, publications, factsheets and a website. Increasing public fears about adverse effects from vaccines has resulted in vaccinations being delayed or not given at all. Swiss health authorities consider it of great importance to clearly explain how their recommendations are made and how the CFV is crucial in this process.

  • Functioning
  • Europe
  • Switzerland
  • health policy
  • NITAG establishment
  • NITAG functioning