
Evidence to recommendation tables

Should the currently available whole cell, killed Oral cholera vaccines (OCVs) be recommended for use among persons ≥1 year old (Shanchol/Euvichol/mORCVax) or ≥ 2 years old (Dukoral), including pregnant women in different cholera endemic, epidemic/outbreak and humanitarian emergency settings?

Summary of GRADE tables for: 

  1. safety in general population
  2. safety in pregnant woment
  3. efficacy and effectiveness
  4. efficacy and effectiveness severe cholera
  5. Efficacy and Effectiveness, <5 years old, any cholera
  6. Efficacy and Effectiveness, <5 years old, severe cholera
  7. Efficacy and Effectiveness, 5-14 years old, any cholera
  8. Efficacy and Effectiveness, 5-14 years old, severe cholera
  9. Efficacy and Effectiveness, >14 years old, any cholera
  10. Efficacy and Effectiveness, >14 years old, severe cholera
  11. Efficacy and Effectiveness of a single dose
  12. Duration of protection for at least 3 years
  13. Duration of protection for at least 5 years
  • GRADE table
  • Cholera