
MPX is a reportable disease by the physician and by the laboratory, and is the subject of a health investigation and contact tracing by the Department of Health. Vaccination with smallpox vaccine containing vacciniavirus Ankara (MVA) is recommended in adults according to the latest data epidemiological surveillance:

a) Post-exposure:

  • immunocompromised people who have had a high-risk contact (sexual contact, contact with skin lesions or mucous membranes of an infected person, contacts within the same cleaning) in the previous 21 days,
  • to caregivers who have not applied protective measures appropriate individual.

b) In pre-exposure

  • men who have sex with men (MSM) reporting multiple sexual partners. The recommendation is based on current epidemiological data, which show that observed cases of monkeypox affect so far mostly MSM.
  • to transsexual people reporting several sexual partners
  • to sex workers
  • Recommendation
  • Europe
  • Luxembourg
  • Mpox