
The NITAG of Chad and El Salvador just joined the Global NITAG Network, welcome to them! CAVEI, NITAG of Chile, revamped its webpage and it is a really great example of how to promote NITAG activities, check it out here: https://vacunas.minsal.cl/cavei/

For NITAGs that did not complete the off-label survey, we are giving an extra week to complete! I will be sending a reminder to NITAG chairs and secretariat ðŸ˜Š

The next survey will be on the NITAG secretariat and will be launched mid-January. The results of both surveys will be presented at SAGE in March 2025. Bear with us, it is the only two surveys we will do in such short time line and we are really appreciative of the high response rate!


  • Sweden  published their recommendations on vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), advising all persons regardless of gender up to and including 26 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated against HPV to receive the vaccines. Note that for now, the NITAG is not recommending fewer doses than what is labelled. More info here.


  • NACI (Canadian NITAG) published their recommendations on the use of pneumococcal vaccines in adults, including PNEU-C-21. In summary: Adult pneumococcal immunization programs in Canada should include at least one of Pneu-C-20 or Pneu-C-21. One dose of either Pneu-C-20 or Pneu-C-21, regardless of pneumococcal vaccination history with Pneu-C-13, Pneu-C-15 or Pneu-P-23, should be given to:
    • Adults 65 years of age and older
    • Adults under 65 years of age at increased risk of IPD



  • JCVI  set out its advice on the COVID-19 vaccination programmes for 2025 and spring 2026, available here.


  • The French NITAG published its advice on the transition of INFLUVAC influenza vaccine from its quadrivalent form to a trivalent form in the seasonal influenza vaccination strategy, available in French here.


  • STIKO (Germany) conducted a mathematical modelling: Effectiveness and efficiency of immunisation strategies to prevent RSV among infants and older adults in Germany published here.


  • ATAGI (Australia) published its Clinical Guidance on the use of vaccines for the prevention of Mpox, available here.


  • The SAGE September 2024 meeting report was published on 6 December and is available here
  • A correspondence on Breastfeeding mothers in DR Congo should have access to the mpox vaccine was published in the Lancet to clarify that breastfeeding women should have access to the mpox vaccine. A recommendation on lactating women was also added to the position paper. WHO recommends that for breastfeeding women, where consideration is given to vaccination, non-replicating (MVA-BN) vaccines should be used. See here: Breastfeeding mothers in DR Congo should have access to the mpox vaccine
  • An article on the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization—Past, Present and Future was published on 12 December 2024. The publication provides an overview of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization and its work in the past 25 years. It outlines the processes and methods currently used by SAGE, highlights challenges as well as some of its major achievements. The article is available here https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/12/12/1402


Dates for your diary:

  • The next SAGE meeting will be in 10-13 March 2025. Agenda will be published soon and a for information session will be dedicated to NITAGs.
  • The next face-to-face GNN meeting will be in 28-30 April 2025


Best wishes and Happy new year,

Looking forward to seeing some of you in person in 2025 😊


  • NITAG Recommendation