In all regions of the world, HPV vaccination coverage remains stubbornly low in many countries. Globally, the average first HPV dose coverage was only 59% in 2022. This coverage is far below the 90% target needed to eliminate cervical cancer by 2030. In an online consultation, WHO asked selected of EPI programme managers, researchers and staff from technical support agencies (in total 50 people from 20 countries across all six WHO regions): What are important implementation research questions that in your opinion have the potential to improve HPV vaccine coverage?
We considered various aspects of HPV programmes: delivery strategies, communication, integration and equity and over 70 implementation research questions emerged across these various categories. We developed a survey to prioritize these research areas and questions .
As a supporter of improving HPV vaccination coverage globally, we request your assistance in prioritizing the list of research questions developed through the initial stakeholder consultation.
Completing this survey will take you 20-30 minutes and afterwards you will be able to download the full set of questions and your priorities and make any comments. WHO will publish the prioritized short list to inform implementation research investments focused on improving HPV vaccination coverage.
We encourage you to share this survey with colleagues and partners who share your interest in improving the access and uptake of HPV vaccination for our adolescents.
Survey is open until the 31st of March 2024.