
Systematic reviews are considered to be a useful tool for the evidence-based development of vaccination programs. However, conducting systematic reviews requires significant resources, which may not always be available. The SYSVAC registry is therefore intended to help NITAGs and WHO SAGE locate existing systematic reviews that may serve their needs. The additional e-learning course offers a step-by-step guidance on how to use existing reviews to develop individual vaccination recommendations.

Launched in December 2020, the SYSVAC registry presently prioritizes reviews on Covid-19. Continuously, other vaccine-preventable diseases are also being added. The user-friendly and freely-accessible registry contains reviews on vaccine efficacy, effectiveness, safety, coverage and more. Using AMSTAR 2 (A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews 2) as a critical appraisal tool, the registry also provides information about the methodological quality of reviews.

To access the SYSVAC and know more about the registry, you can view a short introductory video now accessible here